Yes ladies and gentlemen today’s blog is about one of the most dreaded acronyms to plague the female existence: PMS, also known as Pre-menstrual Syndrome. Men joke about it, women complain about it. No one quite understands it - not even women…and we EXPERIENCE IT, which makes it even more mysterious and a royal pain in the ass. The reason I am dedicating a blog post to this not-awkward-at-all subject is that it often causes relationship stress and unnecessary drama. I think awareness is the first step to fixing a problem so here we go!
So let me start with the facts:
PMS stands for Pre-menstrual syndrome - please be absolutely clear on this. It does not occur during the time when a woman is actually on period. PMS shows up about one or two weeks before a woman’s period actually starts and causes the appearance of many delightful symptoms. Symptoms are worse for some women than others whereas some don’t have any signs or symptoms at all. According to a study I read, 85% of women have reported experiencing PMS symptoms, so ladies just remember you are NOT ALONE.
What happens during this time, you ask? It’s a combination of physical and emotional symptoms. According to my research, over 200 different symptoms have been associated with PMS (OMG!!!!!!!!) but the three most occurring mental symptoms are tension, unhappiness and irritability. Others also include enhanced stress and anxiety, headaches, moodiness, tiredness, libido abnormalities, and increased emotional sensitivity. Physically women also experience feeling bloated, cramping, back pains and swelling in the breasts. That last one men shouldn’t complain about, ha ha.
Just reading those symptoms over again make me want to scream. If this occurs at minimum about one week per month then that means women are spending 12 weeks out of the year “PMSing.”
Biologically, PMS is also a mystery. The exact causes haven’t been pinpointed but researchers have thought it to have a direct correlation with the activity of serotonin in the brain, which creates peace and happiness. I also read that women who are “PMSing” have a low level of circulating serum levels of beta-endorphin, which is an opiod neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter has a similarity to the same receptor that is accessed by drugs like heroin. Researchers have also documented similarities between PMS symptoms and opiate withdrawal symptoms. Ok seriously? The more I read about PMS the more I want to become a man.
In all honesty, it does give me a little comfort in knowing I’m not alone and that there are honest-to-goodness biological aspects driving my occasional irrational behavior during that pre-"time of the month.”
Yes, women suffer from this plague called PMS, but what we don’t realize is that everyone else around us also suffers, including the men in our lives. Let’s face it, women want to think we can totally deal with it, be strong and not let it get to us but when the time comes it just doesn’t happen. So my questions are: First, what do women want from men when they are “PMSing?” And second, men what do you think you can do during that time to alleviate and not agitate the situation?
I have a couple ideas about what women want from men:
1) A general understanding that maybe we are not completely rational during that time.
2) If we say something irrational, don't take it seriously.
3) If we ask if we look bloated, the answer is always NO.
4) Don't leave the toilet seat up.
5) Give us a hug.
6) Be aware that we may be creating unnecessary drama in our head, so If we look lost in thought, it's just because our hormones are tricking us into thinking something is wrong when it's not.
7) Do not say to us, "OH YOU'RE PMSING." or "OH, ARE YOU ON YOUR PERIOD AGAIN?" or we will punch you in the face.
In response to your help men I personally will encourage women all over the world to do the following:
1) Increase our awareness when we are PMSing and try to monitor any crazy thoughts and feelings that may appear.
2) Spend extra time relaxing, exercising or whatever else relieves stress.
3) Try our best not to create unnecessary drama.
4) If we feel like crying, we will attempt to indulge our tears in a sad movie or ASPCA commercial instead of crying about the fact that you didn't text back right away, or you hesitated when we asked if we looked fat in that dress.
Okay the last one was a joke. Kind of…Now I’d like to have the women speak up! What frustrates you about PMS? What do you feel like men could do to help? What do YOU do to deal?
And men…how do you feel about the whole thing?
Hope to hear some opinions!<3
PMS....Yes, we're talking about it.