PMS really sucks (have I said that already?). There is no intellectual, scientific or spiritual way to explain exactly HOW frustrating and debilitating the emotions can be, especially when a woman considers herself a strong, independent and driven person. When the hormones caused by pre-menstrual syndrome plague a woman's body, even menial tasks can seem like climbing Mount Everest. It can be hard to concentrate and for some women, hard to find the motivation to get through the day. It's different for all women, of course. Some have extreme symptoms, while some have none at all (you bastards!). However, we can all agree that it's not an easy subject to deal with.
The only way I know how to deal with difficult subjects is with a little humor......
Dear ________,
Please...please tell me my skin looks amazing - because I guarantee you that despite the nightly mud masks I've been doing to clear my pores my face still looks disgusting under this makeup. Why is it that we turn into pubescent teenagers during the week before our periods?
Have I lost weight? Why yes, darling of course I have! Never mind the king size bag of peanut butter M&M's I ate last night in bed while watching "Beaches" for the 300th time. That is, of course why I am wearing sweats and why I look adorable in them. Thank you so much for acknowledging how cute I am when I become offended at everything you say and expect you to apologize for things you didn't do.
Love, your PMSing sister,wife,friend,girlfriend.
P.S. bring some chocolate home with you.
<-----------This is a completely legitimate fear. Do you understand how it feels to seem crazy for a week out of every month, especially if this isn't something you normally experience? In addition to the symptoms is the guilt of feeling unable to function normally. In my experience, feeling guilty about feeling emotional and unstable only compounds the problem. Maybe we all should stop trying to act like everythings O.K. and own up to the fact that we are PMSing the crap out of ourselves and need to lie down. Also, God forbid that a day every arrives where medical researchers discover that PMS isn't real and these are our real personalities. I guarantee you it will be worse than the zombie apocalypse.
Although I will admit that this acronym is quite funny, it shouldn't be true AT ALL. It is so often that we spend time being rude to people when we are PMSing, especially the important men in our lives. Females, men are not our enemies during this time of turmoil and emotional rollercoasterism ! With the right instruction and tools, men can be our allies and partners against the hormonal fluctuations that rage a battle on our minds and bodies. Let us all gather together and declare war on hormones as they seek to threaten our sanity and well-being! They can take our bodies, but they can't take our relationships! (5 bucks to the first person who tells me what I took that from).
Hi ho, hi's off to cry we go. Whistle Whistle *sob* Whistle. Since I love Disney, I adore this little ditty. I'm not quite sure about itchy though. I have yet to feel itchy during my PMS experience.
I hope you all enjoyed that slightly less serious blog spot on PMS. I cannot guarantee this will be the last one either. Comment away if you dare!