“All men are the same!”
If you are a woman, you have said this at least once in your lifetime. Personally, I think we like to say it. It reinforces when a man does something stupid or when we’ve been dumped. But it is true? Well I’d like to give you my theory which began its formulation circa 2001. If you are one of my close friends, you have heard my categorical theory of men so it’s just a nice refresher :).
So let me start by making this clear: ALL MEN WANT SEX 50-75% of the day, or more. If they are not thinking about that then they are thinking about food or sleep most of the time. It’s just a fact of life and I’ve accepted it. A majority of guys do not spend a great deal of time obsessing over relationships and although females have all heard this before we seem to really have a hard time getting it to resonate.
So men want sex. The key is how men DEAL with sex that makes them the type of guy they are.
Guy number 1: The "aggressive and aware of it" man
He is sexual. He loves sex and he loves his man parts and he’s proud of it! He is the man who will flirt with you in a bar while using sexual connotations in his sentences. He is the man who will say outright "I want to f*** you!" and not apologize for it. He does not hide the fact that he enjoys women and sex and will do whatever he has to do to get it.
Under this category they are two subcategories:
Perverted "aggressive and aware of it" man is the type of man who could possibly turn into a sex offender or be accused of a crime if he isn't careful. He is aggressive and will ask women on a date several times or just blatantly and not smoothly ask women for sex and expect a positive response. Creepster status.
Confident "aggressive and aware of it" man is that man who admits he wants sex and has the ability to convince a woman that doing it with him may be the most enjoyable experience of her life. He is the man who is the typical bad boy and "you know you want me" is plastered all over his forehead. The sad thing is, sometimes we actually consider the thought of having sex with this man!
So next we have guy number 2: The "passive-aggressive man"
He wants sex but likes to play it off like he couldn’t care less. Passive Aggressive man plays it smooth. He comes off as this sweet sensitive and caring guy and then he ignores you after the first sex encounter. He is the one who comes off as genuine and will screw you over in the end. They are aware that they want sex and have no intention of a relationship, even though they have the potential for one. Usually they are in need of attention so they cannot commit to one woman, because one is not enough. But they know that in order to stay on good terms with females they need to flirt and be on their "best behavior" so they put up a front: two faced. This guy is dangerous because when you are with him the attention that he gives you is extremely satisfying. The memories you make with him are unforgettable which keeps you coming back for more. In the end you get screwed and are screwed and he continues to mess with your mind. He tends to be a liar and will say anything, whether it is true or not, to get in your head (and pants). Sound familiar?
Guy number 3 is "the passive self-aware man.”
He can be respectful, romantic, and cerebral. He can also be reclusive, nerdy and inexperienced. He knows that he loves sex but has the ability to control it and is sometimes found getting more attached to a girl than she is to him. He doesn’t pursue casual sex encounters simply because he wants more than that. He is the man who wants marriage and a family one day and is o.k. with admitting that. In the end, what really matters to him is having sex with someone he cares about. How can I explain this without him sounding like a woman? Needless to say, these men do exist! Unfortunately, relationships with them aren’t always a fairy tale. The passive self-aware man can also the overprotective leech who call you 10x a day and doesn’t feel comfortable with you hanging out with your friends alone. He may also rush the seriousness of the relationship. On the other hand he can also be the guy who avoids you because he felt uncomfortable. He’s a complicated man – but the way he deals with sex is probably the most desirable to women. Too bad we rarely want to date these guys off the bat.
When you meet this guy (because most women usually encounter this guy eventually) can either be annoying to you, or he can be refreshing. If he is your first boyfriend you will mostly likely take advantage of his niceness or feel smothered by his attention to you. But if you’ve been around the block and you’ve encountered man #1 and #2 you might feel refreshed by meeting him. You may also be frustrated because he isn't the "typical" guy you have encountered over the years.
To end this long-winded post let me just say that these categories are flexible. A guy can be a #1 sometimes and a #2 other times in his life. Or he can have some qualities of all three categories, which I think most men are – this just to highlight what I’ve seen in my experience.
So men want sex and in the end all three of these types eventually get laid. The need for sex is always satisfied, they just take three different routes to get there. While guy number two lies to get in your pants, guy number one tells the truth!
So men are getting what they want. HOW COME WOMEN AREN'T?
Here is one suggestion:
Women want something that not all men can give, but men want something that ALL women have: a vajayjay.