Awhile ago I surveyed some female friends and random individuals about common “pet peeves” about men.
I wanted to list a couple of these anonymously and see what the rest of the women out there think – and then hear from the men in response. Some are pretty funny! I added some of my own thoughts in parentheses.
Check it out:
1) “I hate it when men adjust their freaking crotch a million times and try to act like you don’t notice.” (note: if you need to switch to boxers men, please do it because we don’t want to see it.
2) They tell you they will call you and then you never hear from them again. They can end a date with: "I had a good time," not "I had a good time, I'll call you!" (Yeah you know what don’t say you’ll call if you aren’t planning on it. That Goes for BOTH sexes in dating!)
3) Momma’s Boys. (Momma’s boys are just looking for a female to take their mother’s place…and I think people will agree with me when I say, EW)
4) When Men think women aren't smart enough to figure out their bullsh**.
5) When Men try to fix everything.
6) Emotionally constipated men. (I think they should make a Metamucil for emotional issues)
7) That they just don't get it - you have to over-explain things to them sometimes. (I’m sorry but I don’t think this will ever change.)
8) When they won't just share their feelings. (How hard is it, really?)
9) When they don't consider not giving the whole truth as another form of lying.
10) Maybe the fact that they breathe. (ha ha ha, this one was my favorite)
11) Being a bad text messager. (I know many people in general who are guilty of this!)
12) When they mess up or lead you on and then avoid you because of their mistake. (AMEN!)
13) How much time I spend to get ready for a date and then he shows up with shorts t-shirt and flip flops. (Yea, thanks guys.)
14) Staring. Some men will just stare and it makes you feel so uncomfortable because you what they're thinking about. (My favorite is the gawking idiots in cars next to you and the light stays red for what seems like hours.)
15) When a man is insecure when dating a beautiful/successful woman.
16) Guys at the gym who have more muscles than personality.
17) When a guy has no sense of humor...when he dishes it out but can't take it if a girl dishes it back to him.
18) Men who wear unbuttoned shirts with their chest hair showing.
19) When a man asks for a kiss. JUST KISS US ALREADY, if you have to ask then you don’t deserve a kiss.
20) When they say they’re just teasing, but you know they mean it.
There you go ladies in gentleman, hope you enjoyed reading. And thanks to all the women who contributed! Feel free to comment on what you think :)